JSES Web Page

Welcome to JSES

The Japan Society of Educational Sociology (JSES) is an academic organization established in 1948 to promote educational sociology and enhance communication for research among members. It has about 1,400 members and conducts various activities vigorously.

The annual meeting is held in the autumn every year. The Society’s journal and the newsletter are issued twice a year.

We welcome the participation of academic researchers, practitioners and policy-makers from overseas so that the JSES will be a site of information exchange among people involved in educational sociology in East Asia widely.




About Us

Our Activities

  1. Publications
    • “The Journal of Educational Sociology” (semi-annually)
    • Bulletin (semi-annually)
    • Occasional publications such as the “New Encyclopedia of Educational Sociology” (Toyokan publisher, 1986)
  2. Meetings
    • Annual meetings
    • Ad-hoc seminars, study groups, and public lectures
  3. Collaboration and information exchange with other academic associations within and outside of Japan
  4. Various projects to disseminate and promote educational sociology and to share information among members

The articles published in the “The Journal of Educational Sociology” fall into the following categories: (1) members’ academic articles reviewed by the journal editorial committee; and (2) reviews of the books authored by the members. It is published twice a year by Toyokan Publisher. The Journal has special issues annually which collect articles on research topics and educational issues which the editorial committee considers important.

Annual meetings are held for two days in autumn at one of Japanese universities. The oral research presentations are assigned to one of the following topical groups: theory, childhood, juvenile, school, teachers, families and education, local communities and education, media and education, higher education, life-long learning, career and education, gender and education, multiculturalism and education, economics and education, social structure and education, foreign education, history of education, and, current issues of education. The annual meetings also have special public lecture by guest scholars from overseas, free-discussion among like-minded Society members, roundtables to exchange research information, topical research presentations focused on specific topics, and the symposium organized by the respective host universities of the annual meetings.

There are also regional societies and research groups formulated by our members such as Kyushu Society of Educational Sociology, Kansai Research Group on Educational Sociology, and Tokai Research Group on Educational Sociology. These groups organize their own meetings.


Annual Meeting

The 76th JSES Annual Meeting 



Join us

For registration as a member, please refer to the information here. If you have any question, feel free to email us.


We are looking forward to your registration and participation in our activities including annual meetings.



For Members

Annual Membership Fees
Online Payment System